Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A Hard Days Night

Kara Sahagian
October 11, 2017
I woke up this morning to the realization that I had forgotten to take out my contacts. Then after forcing myself out of my warm sleeping bag into the cold, mountain, air I went to put on my frozen boots. It took me a half hour to pry them on this morning. Partially due to my sore heel. Once I got my bear bag in order to make breakfast, my tent group and I struggled to get our stove working. We finally did it though and we ate a hearty breakfast of coco wheats. We tried getting the stove working again for coffee but it would not get started and we ran out of time. I wasn’t sure how we would make it through the day without our most important morning drink. We started our day-hike up Devil’s Stairs trail rather groggy and sluggish due to our coffee deprivation. My heel was in a lot of pain again and I did not understand why my little blister was hurting my heel so bad and sending a pain up my tendon. The thought of turning back raced through my mind but I quickly chased it off. I kept on trucking and when we reached the top, I saw one of the best views my eyes had ever seen. My heart was racing. Not because of being tired or the elevation. It was racing because I was in awe and wonder. I still can’t believe I am on the greatest adventure of my life with the greatest people to share these memories with. I hobbled back down the trail and when we got to camp, I found out that my pain was not my blister at all but it was in fact tendonitis. Now I have to take the hardest test of ECOEE so far and probably the one that will make me grow the post and that is learning how to take care of myself.

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