August 27, 2017
It has been several days since our victory at Gate’s Hollow over an army of the blood suckers and that battle now seems meaningless, for even now they dog us as we sail down the river. Lucky for us though, their movements are predictable and sloppy. For during the day, they merely track us and plan, and it is in the dead of the night do they launch their attacks. Knowing this gives us time to prepare our defenses. We erect thin walls to sleep behind that only the slyest of them can get through and these are quickly dealt with to prevent further causalities. And when we must venture out from the safety of the walls we coat ourselves in an elixir called “Deet” to keep the blood sucker army at bay. This elixir was recommended to us by the wizard called “Jeff the Grey” a bitter old man that has already cast two of our members into oblivion. And on top of that the Deet didn’t work, can we really put our trust into this greybeard. But even with the failure of the elixir and being under constant attack, we must carry on towards our destination, Mattice. For it is there that we will find the one van. For this is our only hope of salvation from this deadly river and the continuous pursuit of the blood sucker army. But then again, it is Jeff the Grey that is promising us salvation and after the Deet incident, should we trust him. However, I will give him this though, after several days of traveling with my companions his advice was proven true. The men of Mars will never understand the women of Venus - - -
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