Monday, August 14, 2017

Journal #3

Author: Sean Dowling
Location: Horn Field Campus

I woke up well rested after  along day of canoeing and I couldn't help but think that I only had two more nights that I would be able to enjoy a bed. Just two more days I could use to prepare for Canada! As I tried to get as much work done as I could this morning before pulling our rations, I wondered how I was possibly going to do it. I guess Jeff was right about staying on top of our homework... With a good breakfast and another day of good company those thoughts quickly faded and the excitement returned. As we pulled our rations the excitement just continued to grow. It's all coming together and soon we'll see how well we cook in the backcountry. with how well we work together and help each other out I feel confident that we'll have maybe one or two meals that will be rough going down but that's why we have hot sauce. Even if one of us makes a mistake I know that person will not be ridiculed... but we may get teased a little. Our group has proven to be very supportive on multiple occasions but today we proved it even more at today's dinner. We could have chosen to be picky when Bob warned us about his mistake when cooking but all I saw was full plates as everyone got their food and we all ended up giving nothing but compliments and reassurance. On our first day Jeff warned us that these five days at Horn Field would feel like a month but so far I have felt quite the opposite. Like they say, time flies when you're having fun. There is no doubt in my mind that any hardships and struggles that we may encounter will be overcome by the fun and growth that will come from ECOEE!

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying reading the daily journal entries... Good luck tomorrow as you head to Michigan!

    -Michele Orr
